Roof Water Catchment and Tanks | A Permaculture Design Course Handbook

Roof Water Catchment and Tanks | A Permaculture Design Course Handbook.

Fun feature i have been playing with here lately at the lake to help get off us off the grid for water. Had to do some Kentucky style jerry rigging, but when in Rome do as the Romans do! Our latest EDU release, this one from the water chapter.

One response to “Roof Water Catchment and Tanks | A Permaculture Design Course Handbook”

  1. thefreeonline – The Free is a book and a blog. Download free E/book …”the most detailed fictional treatment of the movement from a world recognizably like our own to an anarchist society that I have read…

    Reblogged this on The Free and commented:
    In arid climates country houses were often built with a roof
    catchment tank built in. Modern houses usually have roof guttering ab¡nd can be easily adapted.
    It works, we’ve done it for years! Though you need to filter the water for ddrinkingThis is Ch 7 but the whole book is on the blog..

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