TreeYo EDU

TreeYo EDU: Click Here

With its inception in 2010, our sister website has been long providing high quality permaculture reading. We are progressing more and more with our educational website, 130+ articles, and are expanding into more educational outlets constantly including our Paw Paw Masterclass. The site is a collation of Permaculture information reflecting the philosophies of many but framed by Bill Mollison and the Designers Manual. It also adds in info around four other main topics that our PDC’s bring in which is Natural Building, Animal Systems, Appropriate Technology, and Food Fermentation.  It’s an open source so feel free to comment, which will add content as a whole and embrace the collective genius of the Permaculture Community.  Essentially it is an online service to those who are seeking information about various aspects of Permaculture.


Furthermore, this is an online reader for those who will be taking permaculture courses with us or other teachers.  We feel that it is a testament to the permaculture philosophy of being completely open-source with everything we do, Cooperation not Competition.  At the same time we also recognize the intellectual property involved and we wish to honor the system of Collective Commons.


If you are looking for info about our courses go to the following pages:

2020 Courses

About the TreeYo PDC