Edible Landscaping

Permaculture Installations

Our organic edible landscaping services are revolutionizing lawns and edges around the Cincinnati, Ohio, Northern Kentucky, and Southeast Indiana areas. These Permaculture installations leverage years and years of implementations from around the globe and current concentration in the tri-state area. We focus on disease resistant cultivars, soil building techniques, and attracting beneficial insects and pollinators.

What we do:

  • Homestead Development for production and efficiency
  • Food forests and native garden implementation
  • Fruit trees, berry bush plantings in what we call orchard lines
  • Earthworks for infiltration and drainage concerns
  • Privacy hedges, windbreaks, and screening
  • Goat-scaping and other invasive removal projects


The context of our installations varies, from suburban backyards, rural regenerating land or urban nooks.  Some focus more on edibles while others are more native and pollinator gardens. We always try and mix both of those together as that is what creates resilient and multifunctional landscapes that reflect the permaculture principles. Most of the time we are taking consumptive grass and turning it into productive food forests. Essentially, it’s not just about the food that you harvest, it’s about seeing the bird land on a new tree, or a bumblebee mosey around your flower patch.

Edible Landscaping Services

We offer design and consulting services to get the process started. Some choose to remain at this phase and go forward themselves while others then hire us for the installation. We are able to turn your space into a bountiful and productive landscape that will produce an abundance of food for years to come. After installation we can develop a stewardship program to continue to enhance the land and educate you on the process.

Want to learn as much as you can about working with nature to maximize your plot of land? We offer Permaculture Design Courses, foraging programs, plant identification classes and more. We even have our own plant nursery specializing in native fruits and berries, along with perennial herbs and classic fruit trees.

Fill out the form below and get on our schedule for the 2024 season.
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