Next Course: Rasing Goats and Sheep Orgaincally on the Homestead

After so much success, and a few failures, over the years of raising livestock, I am ready to impart my bit into the world on raising sheep and goats organically on the homestead.

Homesteading organically with Sheep and Goats Course – Treeyo Permaculture

I am hoping to speed your process along and give you the confidence to bring livestock into your lives.  Local foods production at its maximum benefit nutritionally to humans all the while ecologically produced is the end goal.  Here are some of the topics we will cover:

If you only want to raise one of these animals, this course is great for you.  We will cover both sets of animals in individuality and there is a lot of crossover.  However, there are nuances for sure.  And you may start with one, like I did with goats, and also get sheep.  Systems and preferences evolve overtime which is exactly one of the learning points.

Goats have their individual personalities and sheep, the flock is such a wonderful organism itself.  Both are great additions to the homestead and also have their challenges.  Hopefully my tips and pointers and systems management approach will make it even more fun and rewarding!


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